I've been spending the last few days editing photos from ages ago.
I'm planning to have them all added by the end of the week, so check back soon.
If you've never seen Koyannisqatsi or Powaqqatsi, I can't recommend these films enough.
They only become more relevant as more nations develop into and beyond industrial societies,
and the cinematography and score are also absolutely mesmerizing.


screenshots from the first tests of my newest photo series
I'm happy with the results, but plan to make a lot of changes to the masks that I'm using to create the "windows." ✌

I can't wait to scan the film from my latest photo project. Above are the raw samples from an initial test of my new "photo-prints." They are designed to be produced the same way that I used silk screens to print patterns at The Fabric Workshop. ✌

I'm going to be crawling out of my non-posting hibernation soon. I've spent the last 3 months completing a three-month residency with The Fabric Workshop and Museum in Philadelphia where I produced two repeat patterns on fabric. Pictured above are some photographs of my three-color pattern titled "Y is for Spring." I'm going to be returning to South Carolina soon where I'll be continuing the natural dying, sewing, and printing projects that I started here in Philly. I also have many rolls of film taken over the last year that I still need to scan and a new photo project that I started while here in Philly that is tied to my patterns. So, keep coming back, because I'll be adding lots of exciting new work. ✌